Death on wheels

The Press reports:

No one stands a chance of survival in a crash at 215kph, a judge has warned an Southland teen.

Harrison Ian Aitken, 18, a carpet layer of Gore, was clocked driving 215kph on August 03 when “running late for soccer”.

I feel safe saying that his excuse is bullshit. No one drives at 215 km/hr because they are running late. They drive at that speed because they like it, and don;t think or care about the consequences.

Aitken had previously plead guilty to charges of dangerous driving in the Gore District Court in November after two incidents in August and September.

So after he got clocked at 215 km/hr in August, a few weeks later he was at it again.

Aitken was disqualified from driving for 12 months, backdated to the date of his first incident, which means he will be disqualified from driving until August 2025.

He has got off lightly. I hope he changes his ways before hs kills someone.

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