A bizarre decision by the Imperial War Museum

Lord Ashcroft writes:

My disappointment at learning about the planned closure of the Lord Ashcroft Gallery at the Imperial War Museum has been tempered by the touching reaction to the imminent loss of my medal collection from public viewing.

I remain hugely disappointed at the decision of the IWM to shut the gallery, which displays the world’s largest collection of Victoria Crosses (VCs), and that trustees did not have the courtesy of seeking a meeting with me to discuss it.

It was particularly galling learning about this through a third party.

However, not only have friends and strangers alike been incredibly supportive towards me but I have received two offers from Commonwealth nations to display my VC and George Cross (GC) collection abroad.

Although this would present some logistical challenges, I am touched that the collection is in such demand even if the IWM has decided that it will close the gallery on June 1 this year.

This is such a bizarre decision by the Imperial War Museum. Lord Ashcroft not only provided all the medals at no cost, but also covered the costs of the gallery. So they are closing down a free, hugely popular, exhibit. I can only assume they have been hit by the woke virus, and have decided that awe should now be ashamed of war heroes.

Wouldn’t it be amazing if the medal collection could be hosted in New Zealand. It would become our most visited museum. You could spend hours there looking at the medals, and reading the citations of the 200+ VCs and GCs.

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