71 different procurement rules!

Nicola Willis announced:

The Government is proposing changes to procurement rules to make it easier for New Zealand businesses to win government contracts that are collectively worth more than $50 billion a year, Economic Growth Minister Nicola Willis says.

“The changes include introducing a new economic benefit test and scrapping 24 rules that put unnecessary obstacles in the path of Kiwi businesses. …

“Currently there are 71 rules that agencies must follow when tendering contracts. We are proposing to reduce that number to 47 by scrapping rules that are redundant or unnecessary, duplicate content, repeat statutory and regulatory requirements or have never been applied in practice.

71 rules is insane. 47 is less so.

In an ideal world, there would be just four things a tender is judged on:

  • Experience
  • Capability
  • Quality
  • Price

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