Three more members’ bills
Three bills drawn from the ballot are:
Sale and Supply of Alcohol (Sales on Anzac Day Morning, Good Friday, Easter Sunday, and Christmas Day) Amendment Bill by Kieran McAnulty.
This is a rare excellent bill from a Labour MP that would allow licensed businesses already permitted to open on ANZAC Day morning, Good Friday, Easter Sunday and Christmas Day to sell alcohol.
Hopefully it will get overwhelming support at first reading.
Enabling Crown Entities to Adopt Māori Names Bill by Shanan Halbert (Labour)
This bill enables the Governor-General, by Order in Council, to establish Māori names for Crown entities in addition to or instead of the names given to them by their empowering Acts.
Not exactly a priority issue, but seems worthwhile. I have no issue with Crown entities having an English and te reo name, so long as they don’t only use the te reo name.
Financial Markets (Conduct of Institutions) Amendment (Duty to Provide Financial Services) Amendment Bill by Andy Foster (NZ First)
This bill is intended to prevent registered banks “debanking” or withdrawing banking services from New Zealanders, body corporates or companies, whose political views or outlook may not align with the sensibilities of that institution.
The issue this bill seeks to solve is a very real one. Some banks are saying petrol stations won’t be eligible for services in just five years. Businesses can’t survive without access to banking facilities, and it is up to Parliament to decide if an industry is legal – not banks.
However banks do have the right to decide who they take on as customers, so there is a balancing act. There may be better solutions such as having Kiwibank as a bank of last resort for organisations that can’t access banking services elsewhere.
I’d support this bill to select committee so the issue can be discussed, and solutions considered. Beyond that would depend on the evidence at select committee.