The Trump 2.0 Investigations

As monumental and consequential as Trump’s 2nd term policies and Cabinet picks are, and the scope and pace of the initial Executive Orders are a stark reminder of how much Trump wants to get done and how fast he wants to do it, under the radar somewhat will be a series of investigations that will shed light on many of the most egregious and even audacious acts of the Biden Presidency and of the conduct of the so-called ‘deep state’ and its supporters.

Some of the planned investigations had already begun in the newly Republican controlled House from 2022 to 2024 and, whilst some light was shed on issues such as the weaponisation of government and the corruption of the Biden family, these existing committees will either be continued or beefed up to widen their scope. There will be a raft of new investigations, some will be undertaken by House Committees, and some will be commenced by Senate Committees where the GOP now has control and where some very experienced Senators are chomping at the bit to get to the bottom of many matters. So, this list is approximate only and, in most instances, does not attempt to position where inside each House of Congress each investigation will be conducted. But when you look at what will be investigated, I attempt to flesh out the types of questions that will be asked, the live broadcasts of these hearings I predict will in some instances be explosive when the full truth is revealed.

These are but six of the investigations that will be undertaken. There will be more.

1 – Weaponisation of the Federal Government

This topic has already been the subject of extensive hearings through 2023 and 2024 before the Special Select Committee of the House Judicial Committee chaired by Rep Jim Jordan and quite a lot of material was aired such as the way the Biden Admin used various federal agencies including the FBI to censor conservative speech on social media. Whilst Elon Musk released the Twitter files, this committee brought the key investigators that Musk used to testify to the Biden Admin’s perfidy in this respect. In the 119th Congress (2025 and 2026), these efforts will be expanded to include questions such as:

  • How much coordination was there between the Biden White House and Department of Justice prosecutors and Special Counsel Jack Smith concerning the various indictments Smith filed against Trump?
  • Ditto with the New York District Attorney Alvin Bragg’s office and charges laid in the so-called “hush money” case?
  • Ditto the New York Attorney General Latetia James and civil ‘fraud’ case her office brought against the Trump organisation?
  • Ditto with the Fulton County DA Fani Willis in the Georgia ‘election interference’ case?
  • Who made the decision for the FBI to deliberately target pro-life activists and to aggressively file charges against them?
  • Who made the decision to allocate FBI resources to the tracking and investigation of conservative parents attending School Board meetings across the nation raising issues of pornography in school libraries, DEI, critical race theory and trans gender use of bathrooms?
  • Who initiated the inordinate focus of so-called “domestic terrorists” as a cloak to harass innocent conservative groups?
  • Who at the DOJ level made the decision to not prosecute the hugely damaging BLM rioters or the Antifa activists who wrought havoc, mayhem and destruction in Portland, OR and Seattle, WA but then prosecute J6 defendants to the full extent of the law?
  • Why did the DC Courts suppress and ignore any and all exculpatory evidence of the J6 defendants, evidence that may have led to no conviction or lighter sentences.

2 – Biden and other family corruption

Significant work was already undertaken by the House Oversight Committee under Rep James Comer and a very thorough and damning report is available. This committee will continue its work and widen its scope to ask:

  • Precisely how many companies in Ukraine made payments to Biden family members and how much and what was given in return?
  • Precisely how many Chinese companies made similar payments and for what in return?
  • What are the connections between favours Joe Biden granted to Ukrainian and Chinese companies and individuals and the payments made to his family members?
  • What are the lists of similar payments made by Ukrainian and Chinese companies to members of the Pelosi family, Romney family and other influential political families in the US?
  • What other companies in other countries have made payments to the Biden and other families for questionable services?

3 – Origins of Covid, the pandemic response and vaccine related issues

This is such a huge and emotive issue that it may well be split into different committees of inquiry but regardless of the split, the following questions ARE going to be covered:

  • What is the role of the Wuhan Institute of Virology in the escape of the Covid virus?
  • What was the full role of Anthony Fauci and his colleagues in Covid so-called “gain of function” research?
  • Was the US military involved in anyway via DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects Agency)?
  • What role (if any) did the secret bioweapons labs in the Ukraine (admitted by Deputy Secretary of State Victoria Nuland under questioning by Senator Marco Rubio) play in the development of viruses?
  • How was the Emergency Use Authorization granted by the FDA for the Pfizer and Moderna Covid vaccines without adequate prior clinical trials?
  • Why was Remdesivir pushed so hard as a hospital treatment of Covid when it had such a toxic track record?
  • Why did the Department of Health and Human Services massively widen the definition of what constituted a Covid death for doctors on death certificates and what impact did this have on the official reported numbers of Covid deaths?
  • Why was the sensitivity of the PCR Covid test set to a cycle figure more than double that suggested by the inventor and what impact did this have on the numbers of reported positive cases?
  • Why were masks recommended after initially being rejected as ineffective by Fauci and Deborah Birx with no empirical data to back up their use and why did they continue to be recommended or even mandated when numerous peer reviewed studies were published proving how ineffective they were?
  • Why were voices of reason and wisdom about the disastrous impact of the lockdowns like those who signed the Barrington Declaration ignored, shouted down and vilified?
  • Why were consequential decisions like social distancing and the lockdowns enacted and forced on people with little to no scientific or empirical data behind them?
  • Why was the extreme modelling by Nigel Ferguson of the Imperial College London believed when he had proven to be massively wrong on his modelling of previous swine flu, bird flu and mad cow disease outbreaks?
  • Why were children kept away from school and locked down at home when they were the least at-risk population for Covid? The emotional, social and educational damage this interruption did to children has been incalculable.
  • Why was hydroxychloroquine so disparaged and actively campaigned against despite decades of success as an anti-malarial drug?
  • What repercussions are there for the Lancet publishing (then eventually pulling) a falsified study purporting to show that hydroxychloroquine was dangerous in the treatment of Covid?
  • Why was Ivermectin not only pilloried and vilified but was frequently blocked as a prescribing option for the treatment of Covid despite a Nobel Prize for chemistry, its decades of safe use and known effectiveness against C19?
  • Compared to the other vaccines, why were the Covid vaccines the subject of such ubiquitous pressure to take them: from most medical practitioners/hospitals, from the media, from politicians, from celebrities, from employers and being the subject of giveaways/promotions such as free tuition/million-dollar lottery entries etc?
  • Why were so many mainstream, well published and credentialed medical practitioners with ZERO prior history of any vaccine skepticism in so many countries silenced from speaking out about their concerns by the various medical regulatory bodies with threats of dismissal, withdrawal of academic accreditation, license suspension and shaming by peers and colleagues and whose opinions were for a time universally blocked on mainstream and social media?
  • Why did the CDC withdraw the Swine Flu vaccine in 1976 after only 53 deaths following approximately 45 million shots (a rate of 1.18 deaths per million) and yet is still allowed a vaccine with 35 deaths per million to remain on the market despite being 30 times more deadly?
  • Why did the large social media sites like Facebook, Twitter 1.0, Instagram and You Tube use a number of tactics to silence not only concerned medical practitioners (of the type listed above i.e., not traditional anti-vaxxers) but also many thousands of ordinary people who have tried to tell factual stories of adverse Covid vaccine side effects observed with family members with warning labels, suspensions, shadow banning, de-monetising, de-platforming and outright cancellation of accounts? I have friends who had been subjected to some or all of these tactics.

4 – Anomalies in the 2020 (and other) elections

The whole underpinning of what happened on January 6, 2021, was the belief, held by Trump and many of his followers (me included), that Trump’s narrow victory in the 2020 election was stolen from him by Democrat voter fraud. As long-time readers will know, I posted extensively on various aspects of this electoral malfeasance (here, here, here and here). Once Pam Bondi takes over as Attorney General and Kash Patel as FBI Director, proper resources will be devoted to investigating the myriads of specific and detailed complaints that were ignored by AG Bill Barr, the Washington establishment, the mainstream media, many RINO Republicans and of course were punted by numerous courts.

What will be harder for all of the above to ignore will be a Special Select Committee of the House or the Senate empaneled to investigate this fraud ALONGSIDE indictments brought down by the DOJ after uncorrupted agents investigate the fraud that was never properly investigated. These are but some of the matters that will be aired live on national TV by committees of Congress so impossible to ignore:

  • Why so many mostly Democrat controlled courts or appointed judges refused to hear the substance of the large cases over conflicting grounds (lack of standing, lack of timing, moot etc.)?
  • Why the 18 bellwether counties across the US that have accurately predicted (usually 18/18 or 17/18) winning Presidential campaigns since 1952 (including Trump in 2016) and yet in 2020 Biden won only 4 but was still ‘elected’?
  • Why did over 3,000 precincts in Michigan have impossible vote counts of 80 to 350% with most being around 100%?
  • What was the source of the massive ballot drops in the small hours of the morning that went to Biden 90/10 or even 95/5 and tipped Michigan, Georgia, Wisconsin and Pennsylvania from Trump easily winning on election night to narrowly losing 2 days later? Much of the evidence of how these frauds were perpetrated is on camera, the perpetrators just now need to be prosecuted.
  • How hundreds of thousands of illegible votes across the battleground states were still counted and how Republican attempts to thwart such illegal counts were ignored, overridden and scuppered?
  • How massive chain of custody infractions in key states were allowed to occur?
  • How various voting machines ended up being connected to the internet illegally and how much that led to blatant vote reversals of Trump to Biden votes?
  • How many ballots were illegally harvested by mules and then still counted?
  • How many state election laws were illegally circumvented by Democrat Secretaries of State, County Recorders and even State Appellate Courts to allow the illegal sending then counting of excessive absentee ballots?

Trump’s opponents will mutter that its all spilt milk or water under the bridge admitting to perhaps SOME fraud. The point is that election tipping fraud is a myriad of many small acts of fraud that accumulate to thwart the will of the people and unless the illegal activity is identified for what it is and those who perpetrated it not escape consequences, then elections in some US states will continue to be blighted by fraud.

As the DOJ investigations into the perpetrators of the fraud across the swing states target the lower level operatives they will be leaned on to squeal on those higher up the food chain and, over time, the whole sordid corrupt edifice will be exposed and those who carried put the fraud will finally be bought to justice to send a signal that election fraud now will finally be investigated and prosecuted.

5 – What REALLY happened on January 6, 2021?

The then official special January 6 House Committee chaired by Democrats with token Trump hating RINOs like Liz Chaney and Adam Kitzinger thought they’d finally got Trump by orchestrating testimony and evidence to paint a picture of a President out to overthrow the results of the 2020 election by fomenting an insurrection by his many followers at the capital that day. Charges and indictments from Special Counsel Jack Smith were supposed to see Trump in prison for 100 years for his alleged crimes on January 6. The truth is that much of what was presented to the J6 Committee was massaged, manipulated and distorted, counter testimony was suppressed and, in the end, records exculpatory to Trump were destroyed. The Republican House will convene a new J6 Committee that will ask some of these questions:

  • Why was exculpatory evidence and witnesses not allowed to be presented or appear at the original J6 hearings?
  • What evidence was destroyed by the J6 committee staff and why?
  • Why was footage showing Capitol police taking down barricades, opening doors and waving protestors into the building not shown and only the footage showing those who attempted to break in at a different side of the building?
  • What was the true number of paid FBI informants and operatives active in the protesting crowd? After initially denying or failing to confirm, the IG Report eventually confirmed at least 26 CHS (Confidential Human Source) there on January 6th.
  • Why was Ray Epps never prosecuted like other J6 defendants when he is on camera both the night before and on the grounds of the Capitol on J6 urging violent and direct action?
  • Why, despite having clear footage (that has been shrouded from public release), of the so-called pipe bomber have the FBI failed to make an arrest?
  • Why was President Trump’s clear instructions many days before J6 to Washington DC Mayor Bowser and House Speaker Pelosi that the National Guard was needed to bolster security at the Capitol was not only ignored but evidence of this was suppressed at the J6 hearing?
  • Why was President Trump’s Twitter account disabled blocking his “peaceful protest” instruction to his followers on J6 and why was this evidence also suppressed at the select committee hearing?
  • What evidence is there of collusion between key Democrat leaders to orchestrate many of the events on J6?

6 – Attempted assassination of Donald Trump 13 July 2024

There are so many multiple unanswered questions on this event that will now be examined forensically in the full light of day such as:

  • Why did the Biden White House ignore requests for higher level Secret Service protection despite the escalation of known threats?
  • Why was a higher quality experienced detail from the Pittsburg Field Office taken off the assignment to protect Trump at Butler, PA in favour of a foreign dignity?
  • Why was an understrength, heavily female and inexperienced field detail sent in their place?
  • Why was the site not the subject of a drone flyover just prior to the event, a flyover that would’ve discovered Thomas Crooks on the roof?
  • Why were SS communication systems not able to communicate with Butler County Sheriff’s Officers and why was this lack of compatibility not discovered and fixed days before the event?
  • Why were no magnetometers used to screen participants at the Butler event when they are standard at all major Trump events?
  • Why did the SS not remove Trump from the stage as soon as Butler local police alerted the presence of Thomas Crooks on the roof with a gun? The SS stage detail should’ve had Trump off the stage and in a safe place until the shooter had been neutralised.
  • The building where the shooter got his shots off was identified in a pre-rally walk around as a location of high risk and a post stander (at least from local police or a SS agent) should have been assigned to be at that location and the shooter would’ve been interdicted?
  • Why was Crooks allowed to enter the site with a range finder in his backpack and why was he allowed to roam around using the range finder even after he was reported by members of the public and yet he was never stopped?
  • How does a nerdy 20-year-old have his almost non-existent social media accounts and what he had was wiped so fast before investigation and why did he have several foreign bank accounts (including one in New Zealand) and not be on the FBI’s radar?
  • Why was Crooks’ body cremated so fast and not subject to a high-level forensic autopsy?
  • What role did DEI hiring policies play in affecting the quality of the coverage the SS gave on the day and in general?


The mainstream media and the chattering classes of Washington DC (and then flowing from that the New Zealand MSM and Wellington elites) have persisted with a series of narratives against Trump:

  • He perpetuated ‘the Big Lie” over the stolen 2020 election,
  • He fomented an insurrection on January 6,
  • He illegally took classified documents to Mar-a-Lago,
  • He falsely claimed Covid was leaked from a Chinese lab,
  • He promoted the use of a ‘dangerous’ treatment for Covid (hydroxychloroquine),
  • His response to Covid was poor and cost lives,
  • He’s a convicted felon.

Many people I know (and our esteemed host is part of this group) hold negative views about Trump based partly on belief of these (and other) narratives. Trump was able to prevail at the ballot box despite these narratives partly because the Democrats in office were so bad and the media track record on twisting, distorting and even lying about Trump reached such critical mass that large swaths of the electorate got their news from less biased sources. When you add these investigations and what will come out of them to the actions that will be undertaken by Trump’s no-nonsense Cabinet picks, we are going to witness one of the most consequential periods in US politics in our lifetimes and possibly beyond. What will come from these investigations will be truly earth shattering and show stopping and, most importantly, narrative shifting. There will be incontrovertible evidence of so many things that opponents of Trump’s and the wider conservative movement have had rubbed in his face that the face of American politics will be forever altered. The paradigm shifts and the huge movement of the Overton window that is already starting (e.g. the beginning of the end of trans surgeries and treatments of minors) and will accelerate and will have global ramifications. Buckle up everyone, we are in for a roller coaster ride but for those who have known the real truth for some time, it will be a glorious time of revelation!

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