Fascism is wrong

If you don’t like drag queen story times, there are many things you can legally do. These include:

  • Don’t have your kids attend
  • Complain to the Police if you genuinely think the performance is illegal
  • Protest peacefully outside
  • Lobby Councillors to change Council policy allowing them in their libraries
  • Lobby MPs to change the law so they are illegal

Things you can’t legally do include:

  • Disrupting the event so those who have chosen to attend have their rights trampled on
  • Using violence to force your way in

If you think it is okay for Destiny to prevent drag queen story time, then you think it is okay for activists to stop Posie Parker from speaking. In both cases those seeking to suppress an event are convinced that they are preventing harm from doing so, but in both cases they are acting like mini-fascists.

What upsets me isn’t that parents exercise their rights as parents to have their kids attend a drag queen story time, but that they appear to be taxpayer funded. Matua Kahurangi says that Hugo Grrl has received $1.1 million to produce an eight-episode series of drag storytime performances aimed at children which will air on TVNZ.

If this is correct, this is an outrageous use of taxpayer funds. I have no problems With drag storytimes (just as I have no problem with pantomimes) but they should be funded by the audience, not by taxpayers.

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