2025 Blue Greens Forum
I’m in Methven for the annual Bluegreens Forum. I’ve wanted to attend previous ones, but have not had the time.
I’m really looking forward to this one for a number of reasons, as someone who has a lifelong interest in good policy.
- It’s almost the only major forum left in National where you can have in depth policy discussion and debate. Remit sessions at regional and national conferences are a shell of what they used to be.
- Environmental policy is a fascinating area to discuss and study. If you’re in the Greens, there is nothing really to discuss. You believe that the answer to everything is that economic growth is wrong and must be stopped. In National you have a huge number of people who do care a lot about biodiversity, water quality, climate change adaptation and mitigation, the conservation estate etc and want New Zealand to do better there, while being mindful of the impact of regulation on businesses and people’s lives.
- You cover many different issues. The 2025 forum will cover genetic engineering, RMA reform, emerging tech, conservation, competitive advantage etc
- You get to hear from non-traditional speakers. For example the CE of Forest & Bird is speaking
- They have a field trip the day after the forum, where you get to see some hugely innovative projects in action
I may blog some of the panels and discussion if I don’t get too distracted by the nearby hot pools!