Greens use council logos for fundraiser
Chris Lynch reports:
A left-leaning Christchurch political event has come under fire for using Christchurch City Council and Environment Canterbury (ECan) logos to solicit donations for a local Green Party campaign.
The event, titled “Local Government – Can We Make a Difference?”, was organised by Green Party activist Rosemary Neave, “working with the Greens, Labour, The People’s Choice, and The Tuesday Club,” a small left-leaning social group.
Promoted as a way to encourage political engagement, the event featured either Labour or Green local councillors, including Environment Canterbury Chair Craig Pauling.
Promotional material prominently displayed the two council logos and included a ticketing section soliciting donations under the label, “Donation to the Green Party for local campaign support.” Council rules explicitly state, “Council resources are not to be permitted for campaigning purposes.”
Very obvious this would have been against the rules.