We do not have unlimited money

The usual suspects are up in arms because the Government diverted $30 million for teaching teachers te reo, to an initiative to teach students maths. This is the reality of government – you have to set priorities.

The Herald also notes:

Education Minister Erica Stanford said the Te Ahu o te Reo Māori initiative “isn’t accredited” and is more than double the cost of “similar courses” with a price tag of $100 million.

“An evaluation of the programme found no evidence it directly impacted progress and achievement for students.

“The review also couldn’t quantify what impact the programme had on te reo Māori use in the classroom.”

So the initiative defunded was not accredited, was twice the cost of others, did not improve student achievement and have no quantifiable impact on te reo use in the classroom.

She said 22% of Year 8 students are at the expected standard for maths and 12% of Year 8 Māori students are where they should be.

The Minister was referring to where students currently sit against the new curriculum set to be introduced.

“I am not prepared to look parents in the eye and allow the 60,000 kids starting school next year to be on a similar trajectory.”

And it is going to an area of critical importance, where almost four in five students are below where we need them to be.

Seems a no brainer to me.

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