Te Pati Maori back the drug dealers vs the Police

The Herald reports:

Te Pāti Māori claims a police operation targeting Mongrel Mob members and associates alleged to be involved in a drug distribution network was “terrorism” and motivated by a “racist agenda”.

It is amazing that a political party defends drug dealing gangs, and hates the Police so much they call them terrorists. TPM say they are for ta ao Maori and against colonisation, so why are they so pro-gang? There were no gangs pre-colonisation. They are a recent invention. Gangs are in no way part of the traditional Maori worldview of Manaakitanga – they are the opposite.

On all polls, Labour could only form a Government in coalition with Greens and Te Pati Maori. Could you imagine having Ministers who regard the Police as terrorists? What will it take for Labour to rule out coalition with TPM?

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