Every buzzword possible

You just have to read this blurb about the Frantz Fanon Dissertation Award.

The Frantz Fanon Dissertation Award is named in honor of Frantz Fanon and his significant and enduring scholarship informing decolonial, postcolonial, and anti-colonial studies. His work is well known for his analysis of colonialism, particularly its intersections with the psycho-existential, affective, the body, liberation struggles, and collective resistance.

So that’s eight, just in the first paragraph.

The Decolonial, Postcolonial, and Anti-colonial Studies in Education SIG seeks to advance situated thought and praxis that interrogate colonialism, neo-colonialism, capitalism, heteropatriarchy, and imperialism as an entangled structure of domination and exploitation. The SIG also engages the challenges and possibilities of ongoing struggles for liberation and decolonization, global justice, and solidarity in education and beyond. Following Fanon and other committed scholars of modernity/coloniality, SIG members have also explored questions of domination, power, resistance, systemic racism, injustice, knowledge and power, political economy, and the role of curriculum and pedagogy in reproducing or contesting coloniality. This award thus encourages relational and entangled modes of analyzing and interpreting the logics of capital, colonialism, nationalism, cultural/racial supremacy, patriarchy, hetero-normativity, ableism, international development, and the politics of knowledge production.

I’ve lost count now!

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