Charter school targets
The Government has published targets and minimum levels to be achieved for charter schools. A charter school that doesn’t achieve these minimum levels can have its registration cancelled, which is a type of accountability other schools do not have.
They are:
- Target: 80% attending regularly (90% or more)
- Minimum fewer barriers schools 60%
- Minimum moderate barriers school 50%
- Minimum more barriers schools 35%
- Target: 80% at or above curriculum level (currently 47%)
- Minimum fewer barriers schools 67% (currently 57%)
- Minimum moderate barriers school 50% (currently 44%)
- Minimum more barriers schools 30% (currently 34%)
- Target: 80% at or above curriculum level (currently 22% for maths)
- Minimum fewer barriers schools 35% (34% currently maths)
- Minimum moderate barriers school 35% (20% currently maths)
- Minimum more barriers schools 25% (8% currently maths)
NCEA Level 2
- Target: 95% achieve NCEA Level 2
- Minimum fewer barriers schools 95% (85% current average)
- Minimum moderate barriers school 80% (78% current average)
- Minimum more barriers schools 65% (62% current average)
So these charter school are being set minimum levels which are higher than the current average for their type of school.