UNRWA admits some of their staff are terrorists

The Free Beacon reports:

The United Nations’ Palestinian refugee agency has spent more than nine months denying its employees work alongside Hamas, dismissing these claims as Israeli propaganda. On Monday, the organization fired nine staffers for participating in the Oct. 7 terror spree that killed more than 1,200 Israelis.

The United Nations Relief and Works Agency (UNRWA) announced that it will fire a handful of its employees based in the Gaza Strip for working alongside Hamas as it slaughtered Israeli civilians. “For nine people,” UNRWA spokesman Farhan Haq said, “the evidence was sufficient to conclude that they may have been involved in the seventh of October attacks.”

This is code for the evidence was so strong, we could no longer pretend it wasn’t.

It is shameful that NZ has resumed funding UNRWA.

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