Labour focused on trivia

Audrey Young writes:

Christopher Luxon was right; it was an unusually petty line of questioning yesterday from Chris Hipkins compared to the many issues deeply affecting Kiwis at the moment. …

The other issue Chris Hipkins raised with the PM was the matter of Paul Goldsmith in his capacity of Arts, Culture and Heritage Minister amending a letter drafted by an official to an Australian Cabinet minister to remove te reo Māori references in the greeting: Tēnā koe was replaced with dear, Aotearoa New Zealand was replaced with New Zealand, and the sign-off, Nāku noa, nā, became Yours sincerely.

Labour only get a few questions a day, and they decide to use one of them on the fact that a NZ Minister prefers to use English when writing to an Australian counterpart. Do they really think this is what will matters to NZers, rather than health, education, incomes etc?

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