In Term 4 of 2023 Sixty (yes 60) NZ High Schools had less than 30% of their students fully attending.

There is some good news in that in Term 1 of this year that number reduced to 14 schools with below 30% full attendance. There is a caveat to that good news though. In term 1 2024 overall attendance, including Primary) was 61.7%. In Term 2 it was down below T4 2023 at 53.2% (down 0.4%).

The breakdown of the Term 2 statistics will be released on the 26th of September.

Schools now run under an Equity Index Number. The Ministry have decided to publish data in “EQI Bands”. For those still thinking in deciles “Fewest” are close to what high decile schools were – “Most” synonymous with low decile. Attendance is anonymised. It is the only major stat that is and cannot think of a good reason. This is the breakdown by band.

Huge need to get the young people who need it the most to school. As stated above – in the main assessment term 60 high schools has less than 30% full attendance. The impact of these stats on our country are immense and now that Charter Schools are back on the table the PPTA are trying to tell anyone who will listen that they have things under control.

EQI Band (least to most “at risk students”.Term 4 2023 Full Attendance NZ High SchoolsTerm 1 2024 Full Attendance NZ High Schools
Fewest amountAvg. 62% Lowest 42.9%Avg. 70% Lowest 62.3%
FewAvg. 51.2% Lowest 3.3%Avg. 62.5% Lowest 31%
Below Average amountAvg. 51% Lowest 12.7%Avg. 59.6% Lowest 39.2%
Average amountAvg. 44% Lowest 5.7%Avg. 56% Lowest 43.2%
Above Average amountAvg. 41.7% Lowest 23.4%Avg. 50.6% Lowest 34.8%
ManyAvg. 31.3% Lowest 13.2%Avg. 42.9% Lowest 22.9%
Most “at risk” studentsAvg. 24.9% Lowest 7.5%Avg. 34.1% Lowest 11.4%
Total for High Schools (not private).Avg. 43.4%Avg. 53%

NB: For those who want the full data-process/set I do for the LEAVERS of every high school in NZ by achievements – please email me on

Alwyn Poole
Innovative Education Consultants Ltd
Education 710+ Ltd
(both sites currently being re-done)

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