Finally sanity on GE

Judith Collins announced:

The Government is ending New Zealand’s nearly 30-year ban on gene technology outside the lab in a move which will bring health, productivity and climate gains for New Zealanders. 

Science, Innovation and Technology Minister Judith Collins today announced legislation ending the ban and implementing a dedicated regulator to oversee applications to use gene technology will be introduced to Parliament by the end of the year. 

“This is a major milestone in modernising gene technology laws to enable us to improve health outcomes, adapt to climate change, deliver massive economic gains and improve the lives of New Zealanders,” Ms Collins says. 

This is great news. Our current regime is ridiculously restrictive – much more so than the Royal Commission recommended. Every review in the last couple of decades has said it should be liberalised, but little ever happened. It shows the difference a determined Minister and Government can make.

“The changes we’re announcing today will allow researchers and companies to further develop and commercialise their innovative products. Importantly it will help New Zealanders to better access treatments such as CAR T-cell therapy, which has been clinically proven to effectively treat some cancers. It can also help our farmers and growers mitigate emissions and increase productivity, all of which benefits our economy,” Ms Collins says. 

This could make a significant change to our agricultural methane emissions. If you really think climate change is an existential threat, you should be gleefully celebrating this announcement.

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