Data Process/Set for NZ High School 2023 Leavers

The raw data for the above has released a few days and I have just completed the annual process I do that ranks every high school

For every high school the process looks at (including Equity Index Numbers – the decile system replacement).

– NCEA Level 3+ for Leavers

– University Entrance for Leavers

– The gap between L3 and NCEA

– Retention until 17 years of age.

– Progression to Degree Level study.

(NB: The UE statistics include equivalents for Cambridge and IB).

It also includes a range of system wide aggregates.

The data always surprises and many high profile schools are not quite where people think and there are some fabulous quiet achievers.

See exactly how the high schools are doing and the, just released, LEAVERS data is the definitive picture through the inclusion of all students the schools have worked with. Also included are results by EQI tenth (similar to the old decile system) and also a State School only comparison.

By looking at how every high school is doing it allows a greater understanding of the system as a whole. Many schools/organisations/researchers use this data process for exactly that reason.

It also allows Principals and Boards to set progression goals for each of these important metrics (as well as attendance) into the future. It is an opportunity to plan for measurable improvements that can be communicated broadly.

(there are 15 Excel sheets)..

So please email if you would like this important data process. If it is for school or professional use then I can invoice for $350. For personal use I can provide on a donation basis.


Alwyn Poole
Innovative Education Consultants Ltd
Education 710+ Ltd
(NB – both websites currently being re-done)

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