Useful research on Maori views on entertainment

NZ on Air commissioned some interesting and useful research on what type of entertainment Maori like to access, how, where etc. Having understanding of what a large segment of the population wants should be helpful in making funding decisions. Some interesting findings:”

  • 87% of Maori watch online video, 45% TV and 41% radio. Only 15% read newspapers
  • The most time is spent online gaming and streaming music
  • Of those who watch TV (around half), 58% watch TV1, 38% TV3 and 17% Whakaata Maori
  • Of those who watch streaming video, 79% are onNetflix, 29% Disney and 15% Amazon Prime
  • 22% of those who listen to radio listen to Mai FM, 12% National Radio and 11% NewstalkZB
  • The main reasons Maori watch video/TV is relaxing 52%, passing time 28%, background 22%. Reflecting Maori culture was 10th at 9% and last at 5% was because of use of te reo
  • Only 4% of Maori found shows fully in te reo appealing

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