Unhappy Pasifika Greens

The Pacifica Greens leadership have written an open letter. Extracts include:

For us, the treatment of Darleen has been deeply re-triggering, evoking once more our feelings of sheer helplessness, deep disappointment, and shame for the Party as we observed Professor Elizabeth Kerekere being subjected to a process that was reported as being mana-enhancing – yet was anything but.

In that case, the Co-Leaders manipulated the racist “angry brown woman hurting the fragile white woman” trope for the frenzied media coverage when in real time Elizabeth was routinely attacked and undermined by senior staff and some MPs during her term.

I think they are implying Chloe is the fragile white woman!

I spent a day with Elizabeth once she moved into her new Independent MP’s office and the immense relief from having to cope with the supposedly non-violent Green Party Caucus and Parliamentary Staff was palpable.

Seems such a happy place!

The Greens’ principle of Non-Violence in the Green Party Charter has been again and again contravened by women Green MPs who routinely heckle and yell in the House, who intimidate other MPs and who bullied two wāhine Māori MPs. Contrasting the treatment of Elizabeth and then Darleen with that of two other women MPs this year leads us to ask, “Will wahine Māori MPs who are perceived as a threat to the Co-Leaders’ comfort levels and ambitions always be an endangered species in the Green Party?”

A Green MP was filmed in Parliament being verbally abusive to and physically aggressive with another MP. How was that behaviour not a serious breach of our Charter? Why is that MP still in office?

They do have a point here.

We are culturally unsafe when the Co-Leaders, Pākehā or other Tauiwi MPs continually disregard and flout the principle of Non-Violence with no repercussions.


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