So has he kept his job?

A review by StatsNZ has found:

This review found that the employee’s responsibilities in relation to potential conflicts of interest
were made clear to him by the organisation, his managers, and leadership with a range of messages,
and through a number of channels well in advance of the event at Rātana Pā.

So having got up and insulted various Government Ministers, what consequences have there been?

On 24 January 2024, a delegation of four Stats NZ employees attended the Rātana celebrations at
Rātana Pā in an official capacity. The Rātana celebrations are widely attended by iwi, hapu and
Māori, the Crown, government officials and other stakeholders.

So taxpayers paid for him to attend, so he could insult the Government he is meant to work for.

Here’s some of what this senior public servant said, while being paid by taxpayers:

  • The government has three coalition partners, two of which are present and the third electing to stay in his constituency to lick his own arse
  • You only prioritise the few who voted you into Parliament
  • (To Shane Jones) you have now turned your back on the Māoridom

So again is he still in his job?

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