Guest Post: Will John Minto condemn Hamas for refusing to free the hostages?

A guest post by Lucy Rogers:

I woke up this morning to initial elation at the news that Israel and Hamas are apparently close to a ceasefire deal. The proposal involves the return of 33 hostages and Hamas’ removal from power, in exchange for the release of several hundred Palestinian prisoners in Israeli jails, Israel’s withdrawal from eastern Gaza and a ceasefire in stages. 

But a bilateral ceasefire means among other things the release of the hostages. In my initial jubilation at the proposed deal I assumed as a matter of course that the remaining hostages would also be released in subsequent phases of the ceasefire. Not so. My illusions were shattered by further research, confirming that 33 hostages only will be released:

I speak now directly to John Minto, Neil Scott and the Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa: will you extend your admirable concern for human life to “the other side” and speak out now for the 90 desperate human beings held captive deep underground in Gaza, who face imminent abandonment by their own government? You have called for a ceasefire for months. Presumably you meant a bilateral ceasefire. Will you call for Hamas to free the hostages?

Will you hold a protest down Queen Street this weekend condemning Hamas? Will you wave Israeli flags, just as I wore a Palestinian flag several times to your protests in solidarity with the people of Gaza?

It is tika (right) for you to highlight the ongoing atrocities committed against civilians in Gaza. For example, no-one could question that the use of “dumb bombs” in which missile targets are selected by artificial intelligence which is subject to technological glitches which result in the deaths of innocents is abhorrent.

Yesterday in Khan Younis a kura (school) was bombed in order to eliminate a terrorist who was present there. In the process Israel killed children who were playing football. The shocking incident was captured live on camera:

Israel’s practice of administrative detention (see for example the case of Layan Nasir: and extrajudicial killings in the West Bank is deplorable. Every human being has the right to a fair trial and a rōia (lawyer), and where hara (guilt) is established, the right to proportionate punishment. Palestinian tamariki (children) who have been imprisoned indefinitely for (say) throwing a stone should be released immediately. 

But will the Palestine Solidarity Network Aotearoa also protest human rights abuses on the other side?

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