A te reo space is a good idea

The Herald reports:

Auckland University is launching a dedicated area in its main library in which students and staff can practice speaking te reo Māori.

From Wednesday ReoSpace will reflect the need for public spaces where te reo Māori is the primary language spoken. Encouraging te reo Māori use is in keeping with the University’s strategy for te reo Māori revitalisation.

ReoSpace is led by a dedicated team that includes Te Tumu Herenga, Library and Learning Services, Kaiārahi and PhD researcher, Abigail McClutchie (Te Rarawa, Ngāti Porou). She says ReoSpace is for all levels of te reo, and open to all kaimahi (staff), tauira (students) and manuhiri (visitors or guests).

This is not at all offensive, and in fact is laudable. Having spaces restricted to people of particular races is offensive, but having a space designed for people to practice and converse in a particular language is not.

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