This is why we need Three Strikes

The Herald reports:

A woman was dragged naked from her Raglan home before her partner poured a jug of boiling hot water over her, leaving with her burns to 12 per cent of her body and some of her skin peeling off.

But the victim’s pain didn’t end there, as her surgical treatment involved the burned area being debrided – in which the skin was removed and dressed – as she recovered in Waikato Hospital.

The man responsible, Simon Terence Hamiora Kereopa, was today jailed for the incident, his ninth conviction against the victim during their 20-year-plus relationship.

Nine convictions for domestic violence is hideous. He will kill eventually. He should be on his third strike and getting the maximum sentence without parole.

He also noted Kereopa’s 17 family violence convictions, eight of which were against the current victim.


On a charge of causing grievous bodily harm with intent to injure, Kereopa was jailed for three years and one month.

Under a good three strikes law he would be getting ten years without parole. That would keep him from further victimising.

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