Look at your record

Labour MP Ginny Andersen writes:

We have a major problem in New Zealand with family violence. Far too many cases, too many lives destroyed and for far too long.

Like a lot of things with this coalition Government, it is going to take us backwards on the prevention of family violence. You would think that for a Government that campaigned so hard on reducing crime would have more interest in measuring family violence as one of the main causes of crime in New Zealand.

Let’s see what data we have on how family violence went under the last Government.

Police data shows 36,697 family violence crimes in 2018 and 53,302 in 2020. That’s an almost 50% increase. Great job.

The latest Police annual report also has a 49% increase in family violence investigations since 2017. The reoffending rate for family violence has gone up from 62% to 67%.

Please carry on lecturing us.

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