Maori immunisation rates
Shane Reti announced:
Health Minister Dr Shane Reti has announced a two-year $50 million package to help Māori health providers lift immunisation rates.
Launching the programme in Porirua today, Dr Reti says low immunisation rates put tamariki at particular risk of life threatening – and in some cases deadly – illness.
“We have a shared determination to make a difference for our most vulnerable.
“That’s why this programme is important and why as a government we’re determined immunisation rates will improve for all children, including low-coverage Māori babies and children. …
Of the $50 million over two years, $30 million will go to Whānau Ora providers to work with those most at risk – Māori and non-Māori pēpi, hāpu māma, and kaumātua. An additional $10 million will go to North Island partners and $10 million to South Island partner
This is a good example of how Government can work with Maori health providers to try and improve outcomes for Maori. You don’t need a 400 strong bureaucracy with co-governance. You just need good policy, good targeting and good relationships.
Despite all the rhetoric from the last Government about Maori health, the actual outcomes have been terrible. Look at the chart below.

So the Key Government inherited a vaccination rate for Maori two year olds of under 75%. In just three years they managed to lift it to almost 95% and it stayed at over 90%. Under Labour it fell to under 70%.