2023 Election Final Results
- National 38.1% (-0.8% from provisional), 48 (-2) seats
- Labour 26.9% (nc), 34 (nc) seats
- Greens 11.6% (+0.8%), 15 (+1)seats
- ACT, 8.6% (-0.4%), 11 (nc) seats
- NZ First, 6.1% (-0.4%), 8 (nc) seats
- Te Pāta Māori, 3.1% (+0.5%), 6 (+2) seats
Electorates that changed party from the provisional results are:
- Tāmaki Makaurau from Labour to TPM
- Te Tai Tokerau from Labour to TPM
- Nelson from National to Labour
- Te Atatu from National to KLabour
Parliament will have 123 seats so 62 needed to govern. National and ACT are 59 seats (and 60 probably after Port Waikato) so need NZ First who bring the Government to 68 seats and 55 seats for the opposition.