Final polls for The Voice referendum

Here are the final polls for the Australian Indigenous Voice Referendum.

  1. Newspoll 37% Yes 63% No
  2. Focaldata 39% Yes 61% No
  3. You Gov 40% Yes 60% No
  4. Freshwater 40% Yes 60% No
  5. Pollinate 43% Yes 57% No
  6. Resolve 44% Yes 56% No
  7. Roy Morgan 46% Yes 54% No
  8. Essential 47% Yes 53% No

So all polls have the yes vote closing, but a large range from 37% to 47% for yes. We’ll find out who is the most accurate.

Also of interest will be the result for each state. Roy Morgan has predicted it will only pass in Victoria and fail in NSW, SA, WA, QLD and Tasmania.

Results will start to be known tonight, but they don’t count advance votes in advance so a final result won’t be known. However if it isn’t close, the outcome will be clear.