Potentially good news for Auckland Central

Yesterday’s Curia Poll on Auckland Central had Mahesh Muralidhar just behind Chloe Swarbrick 24% to 26% – with 29% of the vote undecided. (NB: Felix Poole is no relation).

A win for Muralidhar can only be a good thing for the families of Auckland Central (that includes Waiheke Island).

The educational need in the area is massive – both for families living in the area and for parents who commute in and have virtually no central options for their children. Many have to leave very early for drop-offs elsewhere and much more need for after-school care back near their homes.

Swarbrick states that she is neuro-diverse. “Throughout her first few years at school Swarbrick says she was relatively decent, but she says the wheels “fell off” in her later years.”

I was stunned to see her begin to debate David Seymour on a recent AM show about education provision. The Greens have – for a very long time – been, at best, disinterested in education (although they have a love for indoctrination). I was stunned with Swarbrick because within the last six years I have been involved in an application for a Designated Character School near an Auckland city transport hub for 480 – ten to fifteen year old – students and with a model that suits those who can be classified as neuro diverse. This would be a partial solution to both problems state above. Seeing how the media paints Swarbrick as big hearted I reached out to her on behalf of these young people – thinking that she would only be able to see good and would advocate to government/the Ministry of Education on their behalf.

She choose not to actively advocate because (in an email to me):

“I know you have other political allies who are also fighting this fight for you. You know that you have multiple times issued press releases and public commentary attacking me and the Greens.”

I most certainly had spoken against the 2020 Cannabis referendum. To have used that as a reason not to advocate for a high quality new school for young people is/was inexcusable. She also clearly did not understand that the Designated Character School would be free for those attending. She wrote: “In the middle of all of that are children and young people, who deserve a high quality, free education. That is where our focus lies.”

I am well aware that she will get in on the list anyway (unless the Green vote collapses) – but – to those 29% undecided in Auckland Central, please vote for Mahesh Muralidhar as your electorate MP.

Alwyn Poole
Innovative Education Consultant
Cambridge Festival of Sport

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