The answer Lloyd could be all of the above!

Lloyd Burr at Newshub writes:

Are Labour’s woes ill-discipline, arrogance, or incompetence?

Why the or? A strong case can be made it is all three.

The Hipkins era was defined from the outset as a back-to-basics administration that would focus on the cost of living rather than enacting Labour’s wishlist of controversial policies.

This clean-slate approach started out well and appeared to be a smart way to transition and differentiate from Ardern’s regime.

But like any item of white clothing, Hipkins’ clean slate soon attracted stains. One stain is annoying, two is frustrating – but any more than three leaves people questioning your life choices.

There are now six stains: Nash. Whaitiri. Tinetti. Wood. Allan. Leary.

Soon it may be quicker to list the MPs who are not stains!

It could be a coincidence that these scandals have surfaced under Hipkins – or it could be a sign that Labour has lost all discipline under his leadership.

Are his MPs going rogue? Are they just arrogant? Or are they politically incompetent? Whatever the answer, something needs to change.

Lock in “all of the above” for ten points.

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