Quick Update on the draft “Science” Curriculum
So, one of the co-writers – Cathy Bunting – has stated:
Cathy Buntting co-wrote the draft curriculum and says it’s about modernising our curriculum.
“It’s proposing to teach those subjects differently, not operating in the silos that have been traditionally the structure of science education in secondary schools”.
In interviews and her comments make it apparent that she has very little idea about genuine science – but also has the extreme of bizarre arrogance that she considers that she can re-write science as a subject in and of itself. This puts her in direct conflict with every reputable Science Faculty in universities around the world. Not only would this make a laughing stock on NZ teaching/teachers, it would be a massive hinderance to students in our system and certainly drive many more schools into their own design and/or Cambridge (not altogether bad things). The effect on our schools being attractive to international students would be cataclysmic.
In typical fashion the Ministry threw her under the nearest bus.
The Ministry of Education said in a statement any speculation on the curriculum is premature, as this is a very early draft.
Here are THE major questions on the Cathy Bunting situation:
- Who contracted her?
- What was the brief she was given?
This information needs to be made public and quickly. Someone in the Ministry – or above – has used her as a deliberate ideological Trojan Horse and that person(s) needs to front. It is not an accident.
[email protected]