Greens are coming for private land!

Stuff reports:

The key promise in the Green Party policy was to have a new system where the Crown would help Māori buy stolen land back from the private market, by establishing a new fund and through a law allowing Māori or the Crown “first right of refusal” when whenua raupatu was listed for sale. 

This would punish hundreds of thousands of families for something that happened almost 200 years ago by people they are not even related to.

When you sell a property, you get the best price for it because multiple people can make offers on it. It is this competitive market that gives you a value.

What the Green Party policy will do is that if a claim is made against your house and land, then the value of that land will shrink immediately. Your $1.5 million section will suddenly be worth say $1.2 million. You’re $300,000 poorer overnight because you can no longer sell your house to the highest bidder.

Such a terrible terrible idea.

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