Vaping vs Smoking

This chart nicely shows the huge impact allowing vaping has had on smoking rates in NZ, especially compared to Australia. We should celebrate such huge drops, especially with younger NZers.

There is no doubt that the best health outcome is if someone never vapes or smokes. But vaping is far less harmful than smoking, and if vaping gets people away from tobacco, then that is good for public health.

The Government is failing to educate people on the relative harm from smoking and vaping. Public Health England found the difference was massive – 95% less harmful. This is because is is the tar that kills you but the nicotine that is addictive and gives you the hit.

A poll Curia did in April 2023 for British American Tobacco NZ asked 1,000 people if they thought vaping was more harmful, less harmful or just as harmful as smoking.

Only one in five or 20% correctly said less harmful. 53% thought vaping was just as harmful and 16% even thought vaping is more harmful than smoking.

Even with current smokers, there is widespread misinformation. Only 30% of current smokers realise vaping is less harmful with 43% thinking it is just as harmful and 13% more harmful.

Think how many lives could be saved just by ensuring there is less misinformation on vaping vs smoking.

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