Shane Jones on gangs and the Treaty

Shane Jones writes:

Too many Māori MPs has created a parallel universe of tangata whenua tokenism and anti-growth, woke-ish programmes.

They should be leading a new covenant for their community. One denouncing gangs and stressing duty rather than rehashing indigenous rights and devaluing the ethic of service.

Sadly the legacy of the Te Pāti Māori, Greens and Labour is co-governance and the diffusion of te reo names such Te Whatu Ora, the health agency. The name of a thing does not matter as much as the quality of a thing. Tossing about Māori nomenclature does not lead to superior health outcomes. …

Prison life does not guarantee rehabilitation, it does however spare the community from further intimidation and violence.

The brazen display of Mongrel Mob colours and coercion in Ōpōtiki shows how far our standards have sunk. It is offensive that these yelping pups think they have a right to destroy our national qualities of industry; blood, sweat and tears. Their code is death and destruction and it was odious to see misguided locals trying to rationalise their standover tactics due to a tangi.

I’d say a lot of people agree with Shane.

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