Life in North Korea

The BBC has managed to interview three North Koreans on life in North Korea. A harrowing tale of life inside a communist state. Extracts:

  • Now when her husband and children wake, she prepares them a breakfast of corn. Gone are the days they could eat plain rice. 
  • The markets, where most North Koreans buy their food, are now almost empty, he says, and the price of rice, corn and seasonings has soared. 
  • The first family in his village to succumb to starvation was a mother and her children. She had become too sick to work. Her children kept her alive for as long as they could by begging for food, but in the end all three died. 
  • She is haunted by the week she was forced to eat puljuk – a mash of vegetables, plants and grass, ground into a porridge-like paste. 
  • His friend’s son recently witnessed several executions carried out by the state. In each instance three to four people were killed. Their crime was trying to escape.  

Weirdly media never refer to Marxism as a far left ideology!

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