A waste of money

Stuff reports:

A new Whānau Ora campaign has been launched encouraging a future built on Māori aspiration and inspiration. 

The “Our Future is Māori” message will be visible on billboards, bus stops and televisions throughout Aotearoa, asserting that Māori must take control of their future. 

It seeks to reinforce tino rangatiratanga while reminding whānau of the effectiveness of by-Māori, for-Māori approaches.

This campaign looks to be a total waste of money. I saw their advertisements in the Dom Post – it was a double page ad which just said something like “Maori Unemployment is higher than non-Maori” and something about taking control of destiny.

The hundreds of thousands of dollars being spent on these ads could actually achieve some real good if used to support Maori whanau and hapu. But this advertising campaign is just going to transfer money from taxpayers to media companies.

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