Slow progress on extremism hotline

Stuff reports:

The Government has delayed the establishment of a streamlined way for people to report threats and suspected terrorist activities – a key recommendation after the Christchurch mosque attacks – documents reveal.

The Royal Commission of Inquiry into the March 2019 Christchurch shootings said there needed to be a system for the public to easily and safely report concerning behaviour or incidents to a single point of contact within the Government. It was recommendation 12 of 44 made by the commission.

“This reporting system should be implemented in the next 12 months,” the commission’s report, released in December 2020, says.

About 28 months on, the system has still not been set up – and papers released under the Official Information Act show one of the hold-ups has been within Cabinet.

Just another example of how bad this Government is at delivery.

It should be easy for people to report concerning behaviour that could constitute a terrorism threat. But if you become aware that someone is becoming radicalised, who would you contact? 111? Not an emergency. Local police station – probably won’t be open. Call the SIS – probably the best idea, but not something everyone would be knowing to do.

So a simple reporting system, both online and phone, which concerns can be passed on is a very good idea. It could save lives.

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