We shouldn’t ban Nazi salute or gang patches

Stuff reports:

Tasmania’s government plans to introduce laws to ban the Nazi salute, after outrage following an anti-transgender rights rally in Melbourne

About 30 men dressed in black performed the salute at the rally on Saturday outside Victoria’s parliament where UK anti-transgender activist Kellie-Jay Keen-Minshull spoke.

It prompted the Victorian government to move to ban the salute, although the state’s attorney-general admitted it would take “some work” to get proposed laws right.

The Tasmanian Liberal government today announced it would also introduce legislation to ban the salute.

I don’t think the Government should ban Nazi salutes, just as I don’t think they should ban gang patches. Ironically most Nazi salutes in NZ are done by gang members.

Freedom of expression includes the freedom to be odious. There should be consequences for odious behaviour, but they should not be criminal unless they rise to the level of actual threats etc.

I detest nazi salutes. I also detest people burning the NZ flag. But neither should be a crime.

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