Labour passes drug testing law for which there was no solution!

Newshub reports:

Officials have had to backtrack on a key roadside drug-testing strategy, as the technology required doesn’t exist. 

It’s part of the Government’s ‘Road to Zero’ campaign and was supposed to be enforced by Police from next Saturday. 

Saliva tests were a key strategy of the Government to get drugged drivers off our roads. 

However, officials have now had to make a major U-turn. 

“This is really disappointing, we thought this was going to be game-changing legislation,” Police Association President Chris Cahill told Newshub.

Testing kits were due to roll out next Saturday so Police could enforce the Government’s drug driving amendment act. 

So only one week before they were due to roll out the testing kits, does the Government admit it has no testing kits!

But in a statement provided to Newshub, Associate Transport Minister Kiri Allan said Police advised they were unable to find the technology capable of providing saliva roadside testing.

“The tech doesn’t exist in the world, and Police did advise the select committee of this from the start, so it’s not Police’s fault,”  Police Association President Chris Cahill said.

While National Party Transport Spokesperson Simeon Brown said it was a failure by the Government. 

“This is an absolute failure, it passed legislation, and the Government gave officials a whole year to get this sorted,” Brown said.

You pass a law without checking in advance that the technology the law enables even exists!

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