Ipsos Issues Feb 23

Ipsos has released their latest research on the most important issues for New Zealanders. The top issues are:

  1. Inflation 65% (+12% from a year ago)
  2. Housing 33% (-17%)
  3. Crime 33% (+14%)
  4. Health 27% (nc)
  5. Climate Change 27% (+11%)

In terms of who is best on each issue, it is:

  1. Inflation: National +3% (over Labour)
  2. Housing: Labour +1%
  3. Crime: National +5%
  4. Health: Labour +11%
  5. Climate Change: Greens +15% (over Labour)

So National has slight leads on inflation and crime, Labour a larger lead on health, housing almost tied and Greens ahead on Climate Change. Looks to be a competitive environment.

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