Extinction Rebellion UK slightly less moronic than thought

Stuff reports:

The UK branch of climate action group Extinction Rebellion has announced an end to disruptive protest action, saying such methods have not achieved their desired effects.

However, it remains to be seen whether New Zealand chapters or other climate activist groups in Aotearoa will follow suit.

Extinction Rebellion announced its “controversial resolution to temporarily shift away from public disruption as a primary tactic” via a post on its website.

I know a few people in the oil and mining industries and almost universally they regard Extinction Rebellion as their best allies in terms of turning normal people off climate activists. They are more valuable than a plethora of PR firms.

If the morons in these groups hadn’t created them, then Exxon probably would have set them up and paid the organisers.

So I guess it is a sign of slight intelligence they have realised pissing off millions of people doesn’t persuade anyone.

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