Government remains committed to the largest tax hike in history

The Herald reports:

Finance Minister Grant Robertson says the Government remains committed to implementing an income insurance scheme by mid-2025.

Meanwhile, Minister for Social Development and Employment Carmel Sepuloni says the scheme is “very high” on her priority list.

Their assurances come as Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern has instructed ministers to relook at their priorities for 2023.

The Government is coming up against the same cost and capacity pressures hamstringing the private sector, as it tries to complete a range of reforms and commitments before next year’s election.

Establishing a $3.5 billion a year income insurance scheme by the 2024/25 fiscal year is one of its more significant undertakings.

This will be the largest tax hike in modern history, and hence the largest drop in take home pay for a generation.

Take home pay will shrink by up to $35 a week for a single person and up to $70 a week for a couple, so that someone made unemployed gets to not look for a new job for six months.

Inflation is at a 30 year high, interest rates are shooting up to 8%, and Labour wants to whack up to $70 a week out of family incomes.

The only way to stop them, will be to change the Government.

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