Guest Post: Constitutional Change needs a Referendum

A guest post by Simon Lusk:

The current government has legislated constitutional change without the consent of New Zealanders. They have promoted a move away from one person one vote to a co governance system where Maori votes are worth far more than Non Maori votes.

These changes have been made without our consent. The purpose of the Citizens Initiated Referendum is to show the liberal elite in Wellington they are out of step with what many New Zealanders think, and what may be acceptable in government departments is not acceptable to a great many of us in the rest of New Zealand.

The question that has been approved is:

“Should New Zealand implement a form of co-governance where 50% of elected representatives to Parliament and local authorities (including community boards and local boards) be elected by voters of Māori descent, and 50% by non-Māori?”

To download the approved signature form to collect signatures please go to:

Only signatures collected using this form will be accepted by the Clerk of the House.

To support the referendum financially please go to:

Your support matters. We are fighting against the huge budget of Government, Government Agencies and the disgraceful Public Interest Journalism Fund that mandates media have to promote the Government’s policies using your money. This is a David v Goliath battle where Goliath has vast sums of taxpayer money to oppose what many of us think is a fair & reasonable question to be put to the public.

Donations of any size will allow us to fight back against the giant we oppose. They will help us send a message to Wellington that they have moved too far and too fast on co governance. They will help us tell Wellington that making the vast majority of New Zealanders’ votes count less than Maori votes is unacceptable to true democrats across our country.

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