To quote a Stuff story:
A shortage of electric vehicle (EV) chargers in Wellington has drivers frustrated, particularly with big businesses parking their fleet vehicles at public charge points for hours at a time.
He ruarua nō ngā pūkiho waka hiko (EV) ki Pōneke kua raruraru ngā kaihautū waka, ina koa ngā pakihi e whakatū nei i ō rātou tini waka ki ngā pūhiko ā-marea pō te ao, ao te pō.
Lower Hutt residents have complained to The Warehouse Group about its fleet vehicles being left in parks designed for ChargeNet customers, after they have finished charging, blocking others from taking a turn.
Kua amuamu ngā kainoho o Te Awakairangi ki The Warehouse Group mō ōna waka kua waiho kau noa ki ngā tūnga i tōna tikanga mā te kiritaki ChargeNet kē, i muri i te whakahiko, me te aha e kore nei e wātea ki ngā kiritaki anō.
If Stuff is trying hard to lose readers, this is a great way to go about it,.
Don’t get me wrong – I have no problems with them having a te reo version of their stories. But for God’s sake have the te reo version either at the end (or the beginning) of the story (or on another page, so people can click through to it if they want it). But having the story switch from English to Maori every paragraph just makes it unreadable.
I can’t imagine any newspaper in Canada prints stories where they have alternating paragraphs in English and French.