BIM highlights
The Government has released the Briefings to Incoming Ministers or BIMs. Key takeaways are:
- MBIE says no more grants to tourism businesses (agree)
- Treasury says house prices will continue to rise (no surprise Sherlock)
- Treasury says Govt’s books not sustainable due to rocketing public service costs (borrow and hope)
- DPMC says child poverty rates will increase (Who’s the Minister?)
- Ministry of Transport says govt policies will not significantly reduce transport emissions
- 91% of state houses do not meet the Government’s own compulsory healthy home standards
- DIA says we need to spend more money on Premier House
- MBIE wants the borders to open to allow in highly skilled migrants
- MSD expects 280,000 on the dole by Jan 2022
- MSD says some of those on the public housing waitlist will never receive a public house