Fastest growing regions

Stats NZ has released the latest population estimates. The estimated growth in each region over the last two years, in descending order is:

  1. Bay of Plenty 5.1%
  2. Northland 4.7%
  3. Tasman 4.4%
  4. Waikato 4.4%
  5. Otago 4.4%
  6. Auckland 3.8%
  7. Canterbury 3.7%
  8. Nelson 3.6%
  9. Hawke’s Bay 3.6%
  10. Marlborough 3.1%
  11. Wellington 3.1%
  12. Taranaki 2.8%
  13. Manawatu-Whanganui 2.7%
  14. Gisborne 2.4%
  15. Southland 2.1%
  16. West Coast 0.0%

By TLA, the top five growing are:

  1. Queenstown-Lakes 11.5%
  2. Chatham Islands 10.1%
  3. Selwyn 10.1%
  4. Central Otago 7.7%
  5. Tauranga 6.5%

So 184,000 more people living in NZ than two years ago. 80% approx from migration and 20% through natural increases (births).

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