Do as I say, not as I do

Here is the official Government advice on what we should do at Level 2:
- Keep your distance when outside your home
- You should keep at least 2 metres in public and in retail stores, like supermarkets and clothes shops and 1 metre in most other places like workplaces, cafes, restaurants and gyms
- You are encouraged to wear face coverings in situations where physical distancing is not possible, like in shops
- Wearing face coverings is advised where it’s not possible to practise physical distancing or to carry out contact tracing. For example, in crowded spaces on Tertiary Education Organisation campuses,
- At Alert Level 2, when not on public transport, we recommend you consider wearing a face covering when you cannot maintain physical distance from people you do not know
- Keep a 2 metre distance in public. Take extra care if you interact with people you don’t know as it won’t be easy to do contact tracing if needed.
But hey what’s more important – a group selfie, or promoting Covid-19 safety.