Greens List will have to change
The current Green Party list is:
- Marama Davidson
- James Shaw
- Jan Logie
- Eugenie Sage, 25% male
- Teanau Tuiono, 40% male
- Julie-Anne Genter, 33% male
- Chloe Swarbrick, 29% male
- Golriz Ghahraman, 25% male
- Elizabeth Kerekere, 22% male
- Ricardo Menendez March, 30% male
- Steve Abel, 27% male
- Lourdes Vano, 25% male
But the silly Green Party rules have a quota for men. They say no matter how talented the female candidates are, male candidates must make up at least 40% of the list at every level (after the top 3).
So if this list was their members elected list, the list moderating committee would have to over-rule it and change it as thus:
- Marama Davidson (F)
- James Shaw (M)
- Jan Logie (F)
- Teanau Tuiono (M), 50% male
- Eugenie Sage (F), 40% male
- Ricardo Menendez March (M), 50% male
- Julie-Anne Genter (F), 43% male
- Steve Abel, (M) 50% male
- Chloe Swarbrick (F), 44% male
- Golriz Ghahraman (F), 40% male
- Next bloke on list, (M) 45% male
- Elizabeth Kerekere (F), 42% male
- Next bloke on list, (M) 46% male
- Lourdes Vano (F), 43% male
So Genter will be forced out of the top six, which means she is out at 5%. Swarbrick will be knocked down two places and need 7% and Ghahraman down two also and needs 8%.
The guy ranked 11th, will be pushed ahead of them into 8th place purely because he is a man – but that is what their rules require.