Not sure you want addicts doing cold turkey during a lock up
Stuff reports:
A respiratory advocacy group says it is outraged the Government could apparently allow a tobacco factory to continue operating during the coronavirus lockdown.
The Asthma and Respiratory Foundation is calling for the supposed decision to allow Imperial Tobacco’s factory in Petone, Lower Hutt to remain open to be reversed immediately.
Imperial spokeswoman Louise Evans McDonald told Stuff on Thursday the Ministry of Business, Innovation, and Employment (MBIE) had approved the factory’s operation through the lockdown.
It does seem unusual but worth thinking about what happens if there is a shortage of tobacco for those addicted to smoking.
We’ve already seen the tax increases leading to a huge spike in burglaries and black market activity. I’d say a shortage of legal product would be like that but on steroids.
Also a 28 day stay at home lockdown is stressful enough, without addicts being unable to satisfy their cravings.
So the decision does actually make some sense.