ADHB won’t release official information unless they like you

Carrick Graham has sent me a response he received from the Auckland DHB to his OIA request about a complaint to the Advertising Standards Authority.

They decline to release the information because basically they don’t like Carrick. They point to a profile saying he represents certain clients there is no public interest in releasing the information to him.

This is absolutely outrageous. Imagine the precedent this sets – the Government can decide who they will and will not release information to.

The only criteria should be whether the documents sought should be released under the OIA, regardless of whom is asking.

Apart from being an appalling decision, it is also a stupid one. It will incentivise people to not do OIA requests under their own names, but to ask others to submit for them.

I hope the Ombudsman gives Auckland DHB a massive kick in the backside for this.

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