This can be yours!
David Seymour has listed this outfit on Trade Me:
Since I failed to make the final of Dancing with the Stars, the fundraising team at Kidsline have told me I have to raise more money.
This is where you could benefit by acquiring your very own authentic twerk suit. The suit not only brings back Richard Simmons’ 1980s in glorious fluoro colour, it allows the flexibility of movement that a true twerk requires. Sequins, strategically paced on the waistband, ensure your twerking action, far from unnoticed, will be accentuated to perfection.
This twerk suit is truly powerful. It saw off the nation’s adorable mother Suzy Cato. New Zealand’s biggest and most serious newspaper, the Herald, ran a picture of it for seven days in a row. You are potentially purchasing the most powerful power suit in Aotearoa.
Kidsline is a great cause. I hope it goes for a great price.